Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Woah... That's Darker Than I Thought...

Before I show you the makeover, I'll give you a little tour of my kitchen.
This is my view. I think it's pretty : ) I can look out and see some of the gardens of my complex, which really are lovely. I am currently without internet and a TV, so I spend a lot of time exploring my new little neighborhood. Some faces are starting to become familiar, and I must say that this place is awesome for people watching. One of my favorites is "sassy running lady," she is about 40, and runs every night in the same outfit- red lycra (but about three sizes to big) with racing stripes down the side and a nascar flag on the back of her jacket. I also love the Indian couple who sit on a bench outside of my apartment. They are probably in their seventies, and sit on the bench every night from about 6:30-9:00. They just seem so sweet, enjoying each other and the warm nights. I hope that I get to do that with my future person one day.

Back to the kitchen.
I wish I could paint these cabinets. I am not a fan of this color of wood. Maybe I could stain it darker?
CURSE WORDS. I moved my fridge to a different wall... and made these two lovely slits (each about 5 inches long) in my linoleum floor.
I hid it with a placemat and Daisy's dishes. Peace out, deposit.

So I really wanted to have a fun, bright, darker color in my apartment, and the kitchen seemed like just the place to do it. It's hard to tell from the picture... but the color is a deep teal.
I have big plans for those chairs. I want to collect some vintage- looking chairs (all different styles) and whitewash them. I love, love, love the contrast of white and a pop of green against this color.
The plant is from Ammy and Baba (the coolest grandparents ever). It originally came in a froggy vase, but Daisy knocked it over : ( He is in the process of being glued back together.

So, there was a big empty white spot right behind my sink that needed a little decoration. I realized that I had a big mirror that I couldn't find a home for, so I thought "hey! why not test it out?" I *attempted* to hang it- it took two hours, 8 screws, crazy Swedish directions, and endless frustration to realize that, no. No, it is not possible to hang this frame. So for now it is leaning, but I'll win this battle, one day. Anyhoo- I really like the mirror here. I know it is an odd choice, but it really opens up the kitchen, and makes it seem larger. It also reflects the light from the window- so it brightens the space. Win!

1 comment:

  1. i can't believe how much you've done so far. you've been a busy bee. everything is looking great so far, i really wish i could see it in person.
